Seneca Tools
Loan Tool
Your options
- Calculation logic for four credit types are defined: Final maturity, annuity, rate automatically, rate manually
- Interest rate fixing and interest rate changes are possible
- Day-count conventions: payment in advance/arrear, before/after repayment, with/without compound interest
- Five interest rate methods are provided: act / act, 30 / 360, act / 360, 30 / act, 30E / 360
- Possibility of capitalization and disagio are given
- A subdivision into ten cost centres is possible
- Possibility of unsceduled repayment
- Two variants of redemption suspension are deposited
- Four possible payment methods are intended: monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, yearly
- Credit fees can optionally be added to the loan amount
- Automatic calculation of the effective interest rate and the total costs

Capital Expenditure Tool
Your options
- Categorization of investments according to balance sheet structure (fixed, financial, immaterial investments)
- A subdivision into ten cost centres is possible
- Possibility of assignment to a loan via contract number
- Two types of depreciation: linear and declining
- Start of depreciation optional regardless of the date of purchase
- The separate entry of acquisition value and acquisition costs
- Enter of an economic lifetime in years
- Manual input of the current tax rate
- Possibility of a special depreciation
- Determination of gross amount and tax amount in the data record
Personnel Tool
The structure
The Seneca Personnel tool covers all relevant areas for detailed personnel cost evaluation and planning.
- Personell master data: Personnel number, name, wage group, working hours/day, entry and leaving date, master cost centre, health insurance type, health insurance designation, health insurance rate, pension insurance, unemployment insurance, nursing insurance, allocations, etc.
- Company-related and legal master data: Wage groups, cost centres and categories, wage type, income thresholds (west/east), contribution rate, etc.
Your possibilities
- For each employee, you have the option of accessing the enterprise-specific entries.
- The information for each employee can be linked to the corresponding client (data set).
- Percentage allocation to up to ten cost centres for any period.
- Up to three different categories and five different wage groups per employee can be defined for each period.
In the result of the actual and plan area, the following are available
- employer parameters
- Calculated wages and salaries
- One-off payments plus effects on social security contributions
- Comprehensive evaluations of personnel costs

Leasing Tool
your opportunities
- Leasing types: linear, degressive, manual for selection
- The first instalment can be determined separately concerning amount and date compared to subsequent instalments.
- Indication of residual value and degression factor as an amount or in per cent
- Factor degression for degressive leasing
- Allocation to up to ten cost centres possible
- The leasing factor is entered or calculated, including the average over the term.
- Automatic calculation of effective annual interest and leasing costs
- Four possible payment intervals: Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly
Master Data Management and Planning at it's finest!
Whether loans, investments, personnel, or leases. With the Seneca tools, you have the overview. In the actual state – in extrapolation – in simulations – in the current forecast.
The Seneca tools for your master data management contain financial logics which provide you with a completely new horizon for your planning. You can transfer easily all data on all types of contracts, loans, investments and personnel into the respective Seneca tool. The data is then ready to be used at any time with just a few clicks for further analysis and planning.
Your benefit
From now on you have an excellent basis for numerous scenario calculations, simulations and not least for your personnel planning. The intelligent rolling forecast completes the modern controlling process.
General Features
Each tool offers a predefined form in which you can find a very clear presentation of your master data of contracts, personnel etc. For comfortable data entry, you use combo boxes with predefined input options. In addition, an automatic runtime calculation in months takes place from the beginning and end of the term. Alternatively, there is an automatic calculation of the end of the term from the beginning of the term and the duration in months. Seneca automatically generates a structure for your planning, movements and integrated financial planning from the data available in the tool. Moreover, create user roles for your employees.